
Since 2003, I have taught math, chemistry, and biology at the middle school, high school, and college levels. I’ve also created and improved the curriculum for these courses. In my seven-plus years as a community college dean, I have worked closely on curriculum development, evaluating teaching quality, supporting faculty and staff, and reviewing programs in a wide range of subjects, including the arts, natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, business, computer sciences, education, and math. With that experience, I believe I can help Rockwood School District continue to achieve academic excellence for all learners.
Our district serves students with many different strengths, challenges, and goals, and its mission is to “do whatever it takes to ensure all students realize their potential.” When I think about potential, I also think about how the word "success" can mean different things at different times. It’s impossible to define these terms for all students because each student needs to figure out what success and potential mean for them, depending on where they are in their learning journey. As a potential Board director, I believe we need to offer a variety of opportunities for students to reach their own level of success. If I’m chosen to serve a three-year term on the Board, my goal will be to make sure our resources are used in ways that support every student, whatever their journey and goals may be. My motto has always been "Students Come First."
My goals for the district are to:
  1. Ensure the curriculum from kindergarten through 12th grade is well-organized, prepares students for the next level, is relevant for the future, and is designed with the needs of colleges, employers, students, and families in mind.
  2. Provide teachers with the resources, professional development, and support they need to be great educators and mentors in the classroom.
  3. Align assessments with best practices so we can get real data on how students are doing, their skills, and their readiness for the next grade. This data should help us make decisions about future planning and how we allocate resources for improvements.
  4. Replace outdated technology with new equipment and software that will improve engagement and teaching for today’s students, and provide training for teachers so they can use the new technology effectively.
  5. Strengthen our programs for all students, including career and technical education, real-world learning experiences, and college-level courses.

During the school year, our students often spend more of their waking hours in school and school-related activities than they do at home. It is important that we support the teachers and staff who dedicate their time to promote our students' learning, achievement, and character development while also keeping them safe. Open, honest communication with the entire Rockwood community is key to making sure everyone is involved in finding solutions to provide this support. As a current classroom teacher, I can say that teaching after the pandemic is different. Technology, especially with the rapid growth of artificial intelligence, is changing the way people live and work. Teachers and staff are expected to keep up with these changes, so it's important we provide professional development opportunities that help them stay up to date. Additionally, I support the district teachers, staff, and administration as they seek viable ways to sustainably improve salaries and benefits for all employees. Recruiting, developing, and retaining our teachers and staff is a principal goal of the district's strategic plan, and it deserves the intentional focus and commitment of the entire Rockwood community.

My current employer has a general operating fund that relies on two main sources of revenue similar to the Rockwood School District — state funding and property taxes from real and personal property. Because of this, I make sure to stay up to date on state budget proposals and any state or federal laws that could impact tax revenues. The district’s budget will face some challenges in the future from the Senior Tax Freeze and also from potential changes to sales tax revenue. Rockwood does not have access to the same amount of commercial property tax revenue that other area districts benefit from to help offset those challenges. Through careful financial management, I will help continue to foster Rockwood’s dedication to balancing the budget even in tough times with rising costs. Additionally, I fully supported Proposition 3 and will continue to help evaluate and support the improvements that will be made to further secure our schools, upgrade technology, and fix our facilities with the funding from the voter-approved, zero-tax-increase levy transfer each year.

Clear communication about circumstances, concerns, opportunities, and data needed for decision-making is crucial. For this reason, the Board and Superintendent must have a transparent and collaborative relationship. The Board must take responsibility for evaluating and updating policies to ensure they are focused on supporting our students. BOE policy 310: School Board Purpose and Roles states, "The achievement level of students shall be the guiding standard through which all success shall be measured." This means students must always come first, and our policies should reflect that goal. I also understand that one of the Board's roles is "to ensure that the schools are properly run, but not to manage them" (BOE policy 340: Code of Ethics). Once again, trust and communication are key to making this work. Finally, maintaining clear and transparent communication with all stakeholders — staff, teachers, parents, and the broader Rockwood community — is absolutely essential and can only serve to benefit the district as a whole. I am committed to ensuring that sustaining open lines of communication is a priority of the Board.